Tuesday, August 20, 2013



    While being away this past week I learned how lucky I am when it comes to being able to attend mass. The reason is that there are many options in my area to attend mass at different times at different churches. Yet, where I was those options were very limited. Most of the churches had one option and one option alone. 

     I sat there at mass on Sunday and thought how much harder it is for someone to get to mass. If I decided to sleep in back home and not attended my normal mass time, I had other ones to go to. Yet, here if I missed that mass I would have to drive at least 1/2 hour or more and hope they had a later mass.  I am not saying there is then an excuse to miss mass then for them but saying it is more of a conscious choice they have to make each day. Where I make that choice to attend and then pick when I want to go. 

     We are all to attend mass, no matter what obstacles that stand before us. Some of use do have it easier to get to mass then others. Yet the fact remains that each week on Sunday through out the world Catholics gather in communion at mass. Think of others who risk their lives to attend mass, when we decide to sleep in because we have those options. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and think what others have to do that we take advantage for the faith.

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