Happy Mothers Day
I would like to wish all Mothers a Happy and Blessed Mothers Day today. On this day let us all remember our Mom's both living and who have passed. Also, let us look to Mary, the mother of Jesus and the Catholic Church for her love and support. Please let us pray a Hail Mary for all Mothers and Mothers to be.

For those who's Mothers have passed from this life into the next, I pray that on this day when you may feel a tear roll down your face know that your Mother will always be your Mom. Remember those times when Mom was there for you. All the times of laughter and joys. Those loving arms that engulfed you as a child, and embraced you as an adult. A mother's love transcends the heavens and if you close your eyes, and open your heart, you can just about hear her and feel that gentle touch of her hand. Let us pray a Hail Mary for all Mothers who have passed into the next life.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
Until tomorrow, God Bless, and bless all Mothers passed, living and to be.
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