Monday, March 3, 2014

Almsgiving and Fasting

Almsgiving and Fasting

  Tonights blog will be giving some suggestions for fasting and then will discuss Almsgiving and give some suggestions as well. There is less then 48 hours till Ash Wednesday and with that the start of Lent. I hope you have been able to get some ideas from the blog.

    Fasting can be more then just from food. There are many things in our lives that we can fast from. We live in a world where there is constant noise and stimulation. Sometimes we need to remove those things that block us from the ability to hear God in our lives. Some of the things that you can fast from can be things or habits you want to change and continue on with after lent. Below you will find some suggestions and then right after the list, I will discuss almsgiving. There are things that can be tied into both Fasting and Almsgiving. 

  1. don’t eat junk food.
  2. give up coffee/caffeine
  3. give up soda
  4. give up cursing
  5. smoking
  6. give up or spend less time on social media
  7. turn off your phone after a certain time
  8. alcohol
  9. complaining
  10. shopping 
  11. TV
  12. Games
  13. Limit time on internet
  14. go to bed earlier and wake up earlier to pray 
  15. judging others and yourself 

   Almsgiving is the last part of the blogs prior to Lent starting. Many times people see almsgiving as a monetary gesture. Yes, monetary is part of it but not all of it. When we 
give of ourself, that also is part of almsgiving. People who give of themselves wether it be time, money or heart. Sometimes giving money is the quickest and easiest we can do. It does not make it wrong but we have to examine what we are called to be doing. 
    Almsgiving helps someone else. It can be physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual almsgiving. It is giving of and from yourself in order to raise someone else from where they are to where their needs have been met.  Below I have listed ways for us all to give alms to those in need.

  1. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
  2. donate money you saved from fasting (ie coffee you buy everyday)
  3. give someone a compliment everyday
  4. visit a nursing home
  5. give money to the poor
  6. take someone to lunch that is alone
  7. perform an act of chairty
  8. talk to someone about Jesus and your faith
  9. take time and listen to people around you as to their needs
  10. write letters to people in the military/ send care packages

I hope that this blog and the ones from the past few days have given you some food for thought and some ideas for you to do during Lent. Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving are three areas that can not only transform your life but those lives around you as well. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may this Lent be transforming. 

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