Saturday, February 23, 2013

Solid Week

Solid Week

    This week has been filled with some good, solid, Catholic teachings.It started off with Curtis Martin on Tuesday and Wednesday and then today “Catholic Men for Jesus Christ” Conference. Todays conference consisted of mass and speakers, Allen Hunt, Damon Owens and Joe Klecko. I can not express enough how all these men this week should be Googled and for you to listen and learn more about them and what they have to say about the Catholic Faith and Church.

     I am still digesting what I learned on Tuesday from Curtis Martin and I still have todays to start as well. There were many topics discussed that I will be blogging on in the weeks that come but an over whelming message from all the talks came to one point. That point is “ Remember where you come from” and “ Remember who you are”. This is not , “Remember where you were born” but “ Remember you come from One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church”. Also like the Eucharist is a central part of the church, it is also a central part of who you are as a catholic. It is important to remember this. 

      This week has brought the core of who I am out and exposed more of that “inner” Catholic to me. It never left me but was just covered up. It never really leaves us. We may forget at times the depth of our faith or where it comes from but that is why we need to go and be active in the faith so we remember. I have three more events and speakers coming up this week and as each one ends I hunger for the next one. 

 One of the great parts of Lent is that many churches put on conferences, host speakers, and host missions. Take advantage of these activities during Lent. It will help make this Lent a special time. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and look in the mirror and remind yourself who you are. 

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