Monday, September 30, 2013



  The date for canonization of Blessed Pope John Paul ll and Blessed John XXlll has been set for April 27, 2014, Divine Mercy Sunday. This is a significant day because Pope John Paul ll declared that the second Sunday after Easter would be declared Divine Mercy Sunday after He canonized St. Faustina. 

   This is an exciting time in the church. Many people will be making a pilgrimage to see this historic event. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may we all seek to be saints. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 138
Reading 1
AM 6:1A, 4-7
Thus says the LORD the God of hosts:
Woe to the complacent in Zion!
Lying upon beds of ivory,
stretched comfortably on their couches,
they eat lambs taken from the flock,
and calves from the stall!
Improvising to the music of the harp,
like David, they devise their own accompaniment.
They drink wine from bowls
and anoint themselves with the best oils;
yet they are not made ill by the collapse of Joseph!
Therefore, now they shall be the first to go into exile,
and their wanton revelry shall be done away with.

Responsorial Psalm
PS 146:7, 8-9, 9-10
R. (1b) Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.
Blessed he who keeps faith forever,
secures justice for the oppressed,
gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets captives free.
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.
The LORD gives sight to the blind.
The LORD raises up those who were bowed down;
the LORD loves the just.
The LORD protects strangers.
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.
The fatherless and the widow he sustains,
but the way of the wicked he thwarts.
The LORD shall reign forever;
your God, O Zion, through all generations. Alleluia.
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.

Reading 2
1 TM 6:11-16
But you, man of God, pursue righteousness,
devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. 
Compete well for the faith. 
Lay hold of eternal life, to which you were called
when you made the noble confession in the presence of many witnesses.
I charge you before God, who gives life to all things,
and before Christ Jesus,
who gave testimony under Pontius Pilate for the noble confession,
to keep the commandment without stain or reproach
until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ
that the blessed and only ruler
will make manifest at the proper time,
the King of kings and Lord of lords,
who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light,
and whom no human being has seen or can see. 
To him be honor and eternal power. Amen.

LK 16:19-31
Jesus said to the Pharisees:
"There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen
and dined sumptuously each day.
And lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores,
who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps
that fell from the rich man's table.
Dogs even used to come and lick his sores.
When the poor man died,
he was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham. 
The rich man also died and was buried,
and from the netherworld, where he was in torment,
he raised his eyes and saw Abraham far off
and Lazarus at his side.
And he cried out, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me. 
Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue,
for I am suffering torment in these flames.'
Abraham replied,
'My child, remember that you received
what was good during your lifetime 
while Lazarus likewise received what was bad;
but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented.
Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established
to prevent anyone from crossing who might wish to go
from our side to yours or from your side to ours.’
He said, 'Then I beg you, father,
send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers,
so that he may warn them,
lest they too come to this place of torment.'
But Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the prophets.
Let them listen to them.'
He said, 'Oh no, father Abraham,
but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.'
Then Abraham said, 'If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, 
neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.'"

Friday, September 27, 2013

Meaning of Catholic

Meaning of Catholic

   I would like us to think what it means to us personally " What it means to be Catholic". For the next few days think about this question. Go to mass and think what it is and then on Sunday/Monday I will post my own thoughts on this. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and remember what it means to be Catholic. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

40 Days For Life

40 Days For Life

   Yesterday started the campaign for 40 Days of Life. This campaign is for 40 days and is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. I ask for all of us to do what we can in the next 40 days and even beyond to help to end abortion. On the 40 Days For Life Website they list things that we all can do and also locations for us to gather in prayer with others. I hope that you will join me and others in this very important cause. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may we all pray for the end of Abortion. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Saint Vincent de Paul

Saint Vincent de Paul

Feast day: September 27
Patron of charitable societies

St. Vincent was born of poor parents in the village of Pouy in Gascony, France, about 1580. He enjoyed his first schooling under the Franciscan Fathers at Acqs. Such had been his progress in four years that a gentleman chose him as subpreceptor to his children, and he was thus enabled to continue his studies without being a burden to his parents. In 1596, he went to the University of Toulouse for theological studies, and there he was ordained priest in 1600.
In 1605, on a voyage by sea from Marseilles to Narbonne, he fell into the hands of African pirates and was carried as a slave to Tunis. His captivity lasted about two years, until Divine Providence enabled him to effect his escape. After a brief visit to Rome he returned to France, where he became preceptor in the family of Emmanuel de Gondy, Count of Goigny, and General of the galleys of France. In 1617, he began to preach missions, and in 1625, he lay the foundations of a congregation which afterward became the Congregation of the Mission or Lazarists, so named on account of the Prioryof St. Lazarus, which the Fathers began to occupy in 1633.
It would be impossible to enumerate all the works of this servant of God. Charity was his predominant virtue. It extended to all classes of persons, from forsaken childhood to old age. The Sisters of Charity also owe the foundation of their congregation to St. Vincent. In the midst of the most distracting occupations his soul was always intimately united with God. Though honored by the great ones of the world, he remained deeply rooted in humility. The Apostle of Charity, the immortal Vincent de Paul, breathed his last in Paris at the age of eighty. His feast day is September 27th. He is the patron of charitable societies.
Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may we all strive to be Saints. 

Monday, September 23, 2013



      Saturday started the new year of a class I take with a Priest as the leader.  It is something that I look forward to each month because it opens my mind and soul to those Truths I need and desire in my life. Yesterday was even more special because of the sharing of Father and again one of the "pauses" that I spoke about in an earlier blog. 

       Father shared what it is like for him as he hears confessions. I admit that it was one of the most beautiful moments I have ever experienced in the church. Listening to Father  explain the joy that fills him and how he feels that Jesus's heart takes his heart inside and they are combined in those moments in the confessional we're not only breath taking but awe inspiring. Hearing Father speak made my eyes tear up. In those moments I saw a glow of joy come over Father  and a peek inside the life of a man who devoted his life to God. It was such a pure moment that I know I will never forget. It is hard for me to really explain what it was like listening to Father. I think that at times we, and myself as we'll, forget the full scope of the Priesthood. Yes, we know what they do but have we ever stopped and asked them how do they feel about all that they do? Have you ever thought not of their sacrifices but of what they gained as a priest? Of course not all priests feel the same and maybe some may feel that they gave up to much but I can honestly say that being there and listening to Father, he feels he gained much more. I never thought of what it is for them to be the first to give communion to someone, to absolve them of their sins, to comfort a family, to give last rites, to say mass, etc.... I always focused more on what they gave up until recently. Hearing father speak puts things in a more clear and direct line for me. I hope to hear more and understand more of what goes on for the priests and especially Father. It is a peek inside a world that I think we all need to understand and respect. Not for what they gave up but more for what they have gained.  

      My "pause" moment was not long after Father sharing is thoughts. I kept focusing on the collar of Father's shirt. Everything that collar represented flooded my mind. The vocation of Priesthood. The sacraments. The Mass. The Church. The Faith. The Apostles. I can go on and on and then they all faded away just as fast as they came and what was left was the amazing awe of the vocation of the Priesthood. Then I wondered how do they feel each day when they put on the Roman or Clerical collar? Or even what was it like the first time they saw themselves in the mirror wearing the collar? For me it sends chills to my core thinking about that. There is an awe and wonder about that. These are questions that I would love to ask but feel that maybe it is being intrusive. I also wonder if those questions are in my head because it is a vocation that I am considering and dare I saw maybe it more on my mind because that is really my hearts desire. As I wrote this paragraph I had to stop a few times and just reflected on what it is to be a Priest. I do not know if I will ever fully grasp or even come close to an answer because it is that tap of God's hand on a mans soul to enter the Priesthood. It is a very special exchange between a soul and God that I don't know if it will ever be understood by anyone else beside that mans soul that was touched. 

      I ask that we always remember all those who have dedicated their lives to God and the Church in our prayers. Also remember to Thank them for hearing the call and responding to it. The sacrament of Holy Orders is one of grace and awe and let's all remover that and respect those who have answered the call. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may the call of Holy Orders be heard over all the noise of the world today. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 135

Reading 1
AM 8:4-7
Hear this, you who trample upon the needy
and destroy the poor of the land!
“When will the new moon be over,” you ask,
“that we may sell our grain,
and the sabbath, that we may display the wheat?
We will diminish the ephah,
add to the shekel,
and fix our scales for cheating!
We will buy the lowly for silver,
and the poor for a pair of sandals;
even the refuse of the wheat we will sell!”
The LORD has sworn by the pride of Jacob:
Never will I forget a thing they have done!

Responsorial Psalm
PS 113:1-2, 4-6, 7-8
R. (cf. 1a, 7b) Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor.
R. Alleluia.
Praise, you servants of the LORD,
praise the name of the LORD.
Blessed be the name of the LORD
both now and forever.
R. Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor.
R. Alleluia.
High above all nations is the LORD;
above the heavens is his glory.
Who is like the LORD, our God, who is enthroned on high
and looks upon the heavens and the earth below?
R. Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor.
R. Alleluia.
He raises up the lowly from the dust;
from the dunghill he lifts up the poor
to seat them with princes,
with the princes of his own people.
R. Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor.
R. Alleluia.

Reading 2
1 TM 2:1-8
First of all, I ask that supplications, prayers,
petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone,
for kings and for all in authority,
that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life
in all devotion and dignity. 
This is good and pleasing to God our savior,
who wills everyone to be saved
and to come to knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God.
There is also one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus,
who gave himself as ransom for all.
This was the testimony at the proper time. 
For this I was appointed preacher and apostle
— I am speaking the truth, I am not lying —,
teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

It is my wish, then, that in every place the men should pray,
lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument.

LK 16:1-13
Jesus said to his disciples,
“A rich man had a steward
who was reported to him for squandering his property. 
He summoned him and said,
‘What is this I hear about you? 
Prepare a full account of your stewardship,
because you can no longer be my steward.’
The steward said to himself, ‘What shall I do,
now that my master is taking the position of steward away from me? 
I am not strong enough to dig and I am ashamed to beg. 
I know what I shall do so that,
when I am removed from the stewardship,
they may welcome me into their homes.’
He called in his master’s debtors one by one. 
To the first he said,
‘How much do you owe my master?’
He replied, ‘One hundred measures of olive oil.’
He said to him, ‘Here is your promissory note. 
Sit down and quickly write one for fifty.’
Then to another the steward said, ‘And you, how much do you owe?’
He replied, ‘One hundred kors of wheat.’
The steward said to him, ‘Here is your promissory note;
write one for eighty.’
And the master commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently.
“For the children of this world
are more prudent in dealing with their own generation
than are the children of light. 
I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth,
so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.
The person who is trustworthy in very small matters
is also trustworthy in great ones;
and the person who is dishonest in very small matters
is also dishonest in great ones. 
If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth,
who will trust you with true wealth? 
If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another,
who will give you what is yours? 
No servant can serve two masters. 
He will either hate one and love the other,
or be devoted to one and despise the other. 
You cannot serve both God and mammon.”

Jesus said to his disciples:
“The person who is trustworthy in very small matters
is also trustworthy in great ones;
and the person who is dishonest in very small matters
is also dishonest in great ones. 
If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth,
who will trust you with true wealth? 
If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another,
who will give you what is yours? 
No servant can serve two masters. 
He will either hate one and love the other,
or be devoted to one and despise the other. 
You cannot serve both God and mammon.”

Friday, September 20, 2013



    This past week has been one that was filled with many pauses in my life. Many step back and take in what is going on in front and around me. Looking back at the week and the “pauses” makes me see more clearly a life of desire, not just for myself but for so many others as well. We truly are not a lone on this spiritual journey and deepening of our lives in our God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Faith and the Church. 

      The week started with attending Matthew Kelly on Saturday. Seeing over 900 others come and hear him speak was amazing. It says to me and I hope the Church as well that there is such a yearning for the truth and love of the faith. People are looking for more and are working for it. Each person there was raising their hand in unity for more of what the church can offer. That deeper connection for themselves. There was one person that stood out for me and started that first pause of my week. He was a young adult in his early 20’s and was in a wheelchair. I can not speak for certain but he may have had Cerebral Palsy. It was not a pause of sympathy or sadness for him but for clarity and respect. I did tear up because I felt that I saw a true pure faith that passed before me. A pure heart that is seeking more for himself. As the day went on I would look at him from time to time and just smile to myself because I saw a joy that I never seen before. Yes, there was so much more from that day and I will discuss in other blogs but this pause will forever be remembered. 

      The other major pause for me came on Tuesday night when I was helping with checking in people for the Bible Study at my church. There was over 160 people that signed up for the Bible Study. I have never seen or even heard of this before for a parish. Just hearing the number I would have paused but when you see more and more people coming in and gathering their materials and settling in seats it is amazing. I thought, as I watched this, of the multiplying of the loaves and fishes and how that had to be amazing to see. I am not saying this was a miracle like that but in this day and age it for sure is a Faith Moment to see. The eagerness they came in with and turning the pages in the books to see what was coming was inspirational. Some say that the faith is dying but I disagree. There is a “New Dawn” coming in the church and I pause to watch that sun come up and cast out those who say it is ending. 

     There were other pauses for me this week but those two stood out the most and had the most impact on me. We all need to take those pauses and see what is going on. See God’s Hand in the events that go on before us. See how the connections we make and watch are part of this great mission of our lives. See the healing touch of the Faith that heals the sick and makes all things possible. Embrace those pauses and look for them. There is nothing like them. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may you be able to pause so you can take in the whole picture. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Simply Catholic

Simply Catholic

Sometimes all we have to do is be simple and be who we are... Nothing More... Nothing Less..... Just SIMPLY CATHOLIC... That is who I am..... Please watch the video to just be simply Catholic.

Until tomorrow God Bless, and just simply be Catholic....

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Truth / Lie

Truth / Lie

   How can the bible hurt us? That is not a simple answer. How can the Word of God hurt us? That is not what He wants, to hurt us. But the reality is that sometimes truth does hurt. Not because it is bad for us but it forces us to see what the reality of the situation really is. Sometimes that reality puts our lives into a new direction and with that leaving behind things and people we care about. 

     I know for myself the “Truths” of the bible and the faith has hurt at times because I had to face my own sins. I had to look at people in my life and question if their presence in my life adds to or takes me away from God. Facing those people and realizing that a distance had to be put into place did hurt. It is not easy to say that yes I care about you but I just can not do this, or go there with you anymore. Sometimes people understand and other times they do not and things come to an end. Saying goodbye so you can lead that “truth” you need to is hard but for your own salvation you have to do it. 

    The truth in the bible can make us change direction in our lives. That direction can pull us from sin and lead to a holy life. Yes, that sounds great so why does that hurt? It does not always hurt but it can until you are fully away from those sins or that life of sin. It hurts when you realize the damage that has happened in your life and how that hurt can transcend into a new life. 

    This kind of hurt will not last for eternity but without that hurt, eternity can be spent in that never ending hurt of being away from God. We have to decide and understand sometimes a hurt is for a great awakening and a spiritual growth. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may the truth forever be held in your heart and soul. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Navy Yard Prayers

Navy Yard Prayers

   I am asking for prayers for the victims that were killed and injured in the shootings at the  Navy Yard in Washington today. I also ask for the prayers for those who lost loved ones in this horrific event. May all those involved feel the loving touch of God and may they all be watched over in these hard times. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may we all pray for the end of violence in the world. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Catechetical Sunday

Catechetical Sunday

Today is catechetical Sunday for the whole church. Let us keep all those who serve the church and the faith in our prayers. For without those who continue to teach the faith, there would be a great hole in the faith formation of all members of the church. Keep them In Your prayers for all the love, time and sacrifice they offer to continue on with this most important ministry. 

Until tomorrow God Bless and may we all seek to teach and show our faith each and every day. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 132

Reading 1
EX 32:7-11, 13-14
The LORD said to Moses,
“Go down at once to your people,
whom you brought out of the land of Egypt,
for they have become depraved. 
They have soon turned aside from the way I pointed out to them,
making for themselves a molten calf and worshiping it,
sacrificing to it and crying out,
‘This is your God, O Israel,
who brought you out of the land of Egypt!’
“I see how stiff-necked this people is, ” continued the LORD to Moses.
Let me alone, then,
that my wrath may blaze up against them to consume them. 
Then I will make of you a great nation.”

But Moses implored the LORD, his God, saying,
“Why, O LORD, should your wrath blaze up against your own people,
whom you brought out of the land of Egypt
with such great power and with so strong a hand? 
Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,
and how you swore to them by your own self, saying,
‘I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky;
and all this land that I promised,
I will give your descendants as their perpetual heritage.’” 
So the LORD relented in the punishment
he had threatened to inflict on his people.

Responsorial Psalm
PS 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19
R. (Lk 15:18) I will rise and go to my father.
Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness;
in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense.
Thoroughly wash me from my guilt
and of my sin cleanse me.
R. I will rise and go to my father.
A clean heart create for me, O God,
and a steadfast spirit renew within me.
Cast me not out from your presence,
and your Holy Spirit take not from me.
R. I will rise and go to my father.
O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth shall proclaim your praise.
My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.
R. I will rise and go to my father.

Reading 2
1 TM 1:12-17
I am grateful to him who has strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord,
because he considered me trustworthy
in appointing me to the ministry. 
I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and arrogant,
but I have been mercifully treated
because I acted out of ignorance in my unbelief. 
Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been abundant,
along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 
This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance:
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 
Of these I am the foremost. 
But for that reason I was mercifully treated,
so that in me, as the foremost,
Christ Jesus might display all his patience as an example
for those who would come to believe in him for everlasting life. 
To the king of ages, incorruptible, invisible, the only God,
honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

LK 15:1-32
Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus,
but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying,
“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 
So to them he addressed this parable.
“What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them
would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert
and go after the lost one until he finds it?
And when he does find it,
he sets it on his shoulders with great joy
and, upon his arrival home,
he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them,
‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’
I tell you, in just the same way
there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents
than over ninety-nine righteous people
who have no need of repentance.

“Or what woman having ten coins and losing one
would not light a lamp and sweep the house,
searching carefully until she finds it?
And when she does find it,
she calls together her friends and neighbors
and says to them,
‘Rejoice with me because I have found the coin that I lost.’
In just the same way, I tell you,
there will be rejoicing among the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.”

Then he said, 
“A man had two sons, and the younger son said to his father,
‘Father give me the share of your estate that should come to me.’
So the father divided the property between them. 
After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings
and set off to a distant country
where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation. 
When he had freely spent everything,
a severe famine struck that country,
and he found himself in dire need. 
So he hired himself out to one of the local citizens
who sent him to his farm to tend the swine. 
And he longed to eat his fill of the pods on which the swine fed,
but nobody gave him any.
Coming to his senses he thought,
‘How many of my father’s hired workers
have more than enough food to eat,
but here am I, dying from hunger. 
I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him,
“Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 
I no longer deserve to be called your son;
treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers.”’
So he got up and went back to his father. 
While he was still a long way off,
his father caught sight of him,
and was filled with compassion. 
He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him. 
His son said to him,
‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you;
I no longer deserve to be called your son.’
But his father ordered his servants,
‘Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him;
put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 
Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. 
Then let us celebrate with a feast,
because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again;
he was lost, and has been found.’
Then the celebration began. 
Now the older son had been out in the field
and, on his way back, as he neared the house,
he heard the sound of music and dancing. 
He called one of the servants and asked what this might mean. 
The servant said to him,
‘Your brother has returned
and your father has slaughtered the fattened calf
because he has him back safe and sound.’
He became angry,
and when he refused to enter the house,
his father came out and pleaded with him. 
He said to his father in reply,
‘Look, all these years I served you
and not once did I disobey your orders;
yet you never gave me even a young goat to feast on with my friends. But when your son returns,
who swallowed up your property with prostitutes,
for him you slaughter the fattened calf.’
He said to him,
‘My son, you are here with me always;
everything I have is yours. 
But now we must celebrate and rejoice,
because your brother was dead and has come to life again;
he was lost and has been found.’”

LK 15:1-10
Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus,
but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying,
“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 
So to them he addressed this parable.
“What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them
would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert
and go after the lost one until he finds it?
And when he does find it,
he sets it on his shoulders with great joy
and, upon his arrival home,
he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them,
‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’
I tell you, in just the same way
there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents
than over ninety-nine righteous people
who have no need of repentance.

“Or what woman having ten coins and losing one
would not light a lamp and sweep the house,
searching carefully until she finds it?
And when she does find it,
she calls together her friends and neighbors
and says to them,
‘Rejoice with me because I have found the coin that I lost.’
In just the same way, I tell you,
there will be rejoicing among the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.”

Friday, September 13, 2013

Power Prayer

Power Prayer 

   Came across this tonight and it started me to think if I really have ever said this in prayer. When this is said in prayer you truly do open yourself and expose yourself. I must admit this is something I need to do and must do I think to fully understand His Will. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may we ask so we may be changed. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Prayers Needed

Prayers Needed

   Today fire spread on the boardwalk of Seaside Park and Seaside Heights.  This area was devastated almost a year ago for Sandy and was just starting to rebuild the areas. I ask that we pray for those who's businesses have been lost and that they are able to once again pick up the pieces and rebuild. 
Until tomorrow, God Bless, and always keep those in need in prayer. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Simple Message

Simple Message

 Sometimes a simple message is all we need. I felt that today being 9/11, a day of remembrance that a simple message of God was called for. May all those who lost their lives and those of the people they loved forever be in our hearts and in our minds. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and say a prayer today. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/11 Never Forget

9/11 Never Forget

   For many people, 9/11 forever changed their lives and the landscape of a nation. Those who lost their lives in the Towers, in the Pentagon and in Shanksville will never be forgotten.  Many people were heroes on that day and for the days and months and even years later. It has left a mark so deep in a nation that time will never erase nor should it be forgotten. Yes, we move on but a piece of our hearts were left on that day. 

   I ask for each and every one of us to take the time and bow our heads and pray for those lives who were lost, for those who lost some one and for a nation who still needs healing. May God forever watch over our Nation and may Peace forever be on our minds and hearts till we see it throughout the world. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may we never forget but remember those who lost their lives. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Middle - Bebo Norman

The Middle - Bebo Norman

 I have listened to this song about 50, if not more, times since last week. I do not think a song has hit me soul the way this has. It has helped me understand a feeling that lies so deep that I just did not understand what was going on inside me. I was not able to understand a sadness, a loneliness that comes washing over me and almost knocks we down like a crashing wave against the rocky path along the shore line. I do not know if I am going to fully be able to explain this but I feel that its the only way I can get to understand it myself is by sharing it. 

   First, as always the video and lyrics are below but I do not know if it would be better for you to read my thoughts first then listen to the song or the other way around. The way Bebo Norman sings the song is with such gut wrenching feeling and that is how it feels inside. I hope you understand more of where I am coming from after reading this and understand that the process of me discerning the Priesthood is not a decision that has come easy or is new for me. I have had this stirring in my soul over the years and even back to my childhood. However I must admit that I have not dove so deep into this discernment ever before. It was just fleeting thought that come to light and I continued with living a life of the world and thought I could never be a man that could put on a collar and be worthy of it. I can not deny that inner spirit that is leading me to a deeper and more fulfilling life with the Trinity and the Church. The struggle comes from me wanting to serve God in the manner according to His will and not mine. I do not want to turn the wrong way and head down the path that is not His Will anymore. I want to surrender my life to not my will but His will. Normally surrendering means losing to me but here I gain a life of never ending graces and love. Isn’t that what we all want in the end? A life that was filled with love, grace and joy? I know that God will never Love me any less or more then right at this moment but when we are doing His will, there is that inner peace, that transforms the rest of your life. 

     God has found me each and every time in my life. It doesn’t matter where I was. If I was running from Him or just waiting for Him in the church, He found me and always drew my thoughts to Him each and every time. I could not hide from Him. Not Physically, Not Mentally, Not Emotionally and Not Spiritually. At times I think that I acted the way I did to see if He really would come after me. Would this be the time where He didn’t try to get me to turn back and just throw His hands up and give up? It was never the case. I can’t say that we didn’t have our fights and that He didn’t point my errors and sins out .Yet, after all that it always came to the point where I was down on my knees saying I am sorry and crying because I know how I hurt Him. 

      There are times when mass is over and people are just starting their way out of the church and as I genuflect I start to feel sad that I am leaving. At times I just want to stay. I do not want to go at all. Then as I place my fingers in the Holy Water and do my last blessing and my last look at the Alter and Jesus, I want to just run to the alter and never turn my back and leave. I know I may sound crazy and it is not all the time but more often then not, this is the case. Same with adoration at times. I don’t want to leave, I just want to close my eyes and wake again to be in the presence of Jesus. When I start these feelings I look around at others leaving and wonder am I the only one who feels this, please not let me be the only one? Its not that I want to stay to leave the world or that my life is unhappy because it is not the case. I am blessed with the life I have been given. I have had some amazing people in my life and still have some amazing people in it. I am not running from one life to another to avoid anything but I feel stuck between two parts and that makes me feel like I am in the middle. The middle between a life in the church as a lay person, working in and for the  Faith and that of the Honor and Blessing of becoming a Priest. There are times where my head spins from this life. The amazing life I have had and the unyielding love of the Trinity, the Faith and the Church. I am not looking for freedom from the world or freedom from a faith but maybe freedom from the chains that bind me from making that step from the middle to a life of meaning. I feel that for me, that life of meaning is coming from a life within the Church in one form or another. Meaning for me is holding the Light so others may see and come back to the Trinity, the Faith and Church or help them along the way to a deeper relationship. I want God to use me as His vessel to help with the message of Salvation. That to me is a meaning for me in this life. 

      I feel that there is a new life for me that is further along on the path and that I need to step out from staying that safe course from walking right in the middle and venture out. Sometimes when I think I am ready to do this I pull back because I do not know if I am really ready for it. If I am strong enough? If I am making the right choice?Then, Am I right in thinking Who I am in this life and if I know who God and I see who stands before Him after all these years of this life that I have created and destroyed. Looking in the mirror sometime I do not know the man who is looking back at me. There was a life that I once dreamed of and now, that life is not a life I desire or want. Maybe we are not to know the person who we see at times? Maybe that means we are becoming less of us and becoming more of who are to be in this life. I know the man I am to be is not the man I see now. I am becoming the man but not that man yet. 

     Some people in my life know what I am thinking about but it is very few and I have not been this open about it at all to anyone really. I recently said that it is like a secret I am keeping. I am not ashamed of what I am thinking or afraid what people may say to me about it but yet I keep it tuck down inside and hold onto it tightly so it wont get out. Those who do know are supportive in their own way and say that I will figure it out and all will be ok. I wish I had that same thought. I don’t see the struggle decreasing but increasing. There is an internal storm that rages at times and all I can do is hold onto the life I am living and stand in the middle till it passes and hope that it will settle and peace will come. In that peace, I will find the answer that God has written on my soul. 

      Please do not get me wrong that I am in constant turmoil because its not the case. I struggle, yes, but I know the life I have is blessed by many people and God is there with Jesus and Holy Spirit waiting for me to work this all out and become the man I am to be. The man God created me to be. I feel so blessed that this is my struggle because it is a win win. I do not lose a life but gain a life of salvation either way. I will not lose a life that I desired because what I ultimately desire is a life worthy of redemption. 

      I hope that if you feel that you are in the middle know that you are not alone. I feel that at times but that is because I choose to keep this as a secret for a while and what I did was to deprive my soul of prayers by the people I care about. Tell people who you know will offer up prayers for you to understand the will in your life. The wisdom to come to you to make the choice. It is in those kinds of prayers where we are open to the Spirit to move us and not our own intentions. I pray that I made sense in sharing what is going on and that if you feel you are in that “Middle” of who you are and who you are to become that you know prayers are being offered up for you always. Pray for me as I will pray for you all. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may we forever evolve to the man or woman God created for us to be.   

It's as if You could find me anywhere
That I could go, to try to hide my thoughts from You
But just like some runaway I'm leaving here
With half a mind that hopes of getting caught
So we can just drive home in the dark
Where we'll let our, our feelings fly
They'll cut like shame to break me down again
Until there's nothing left but for me to tell You I'm, I'm sorry
But I don't wanna go home now
Stuck here in the middle alone now
Everybody's singing their song now
But I'm still reeling
I'm not trying to run away from
This beautiful life I've been given
I'm not looking for freedom
Maybe just a little meaning here in the middle
It's as if there's a world uncovered by
The break of day all these miles away but for a better view
Of what's left in the aftermath of all these years
It's just so hard to know who I am in You
So I don't wanna go home now
Stuck here in the middle alone now
Everybody's singing their song now
But I'm not ready for this
I'm not trying to run away from
This beautiful life I've been given
I'm not looking for freedom
Maybe just a little meaning here in the middle
Alright, everybody says I'll be alright
Everybody says it's a good fight
I'm not seeing it now
All I know is I swear this
It feels a little more like a secret
And I don't know if I should just keep it
To myself, but my love, my love
I don't wanna go home now
Stuck here in the middle alone now
Everybody's singing their song now
But I'm still reeling
I'm not trying to run away from
This beautiful life I've been given
I'm not looking for freedom
Maybe just a little meaning here in the middle
Here in the middle, here in the middle
Here in the middle, yeah, here in the middle