Friday, December 28, 2012

Deeper Creed

Deeper Creed

“Let them all praise the LORD’s name;
for he commanded and they were created” ~Psalms 148:5 

    The Nicene Creed is the basis of what the Catholic Faith is based on. It is said at the mass of the faithful as they gather around the table of our Lord Jesus Christ. There has been some changes of the years but the changes never change the message of the creed but have enhanced the creed along the way. 

      In the beginning of the prayer we establish the monotheistic view of the faith. That there is One and Only one God. In that One God, He and He alone created all things. That here on earth as it is in heaven, for all that is seen and not has been created by Him. 

       We believe in one and only one Son of God and that is Jesus Christ. That Jesus was begotten and not made. In this, Jesus was fathered and not made like Adam. For all of our salvation, He came down from heaven. It was due to the Holy Spirit that He became flesh through the Virgin Mary. The word had now become flesh to save us from our sins. 

       Jesus was crucified and suffered death and then was buried. He rose again in accordance with the old testament. Then Jesus ascended to Heaven and took His seat at God’s right hand. Jesus will come again to judge us, both the living and the dead. His kingdom will have no end because He reigns in Heaven and Heaven is everlasting. 

        The Holy Spirit comes from the Father and Son and is one with them. As we adore and praise God and Jesus, we are to do the same for the Holy Spirit. It is because of the Holy Sprit that the prophets spoke. 

        I have to add here that the next line is my favorite in the prayer. “ I believe in one, holy and apostolic Church”. The idea that we are one church and it is that one church from the apostles till now is amazing. We are united under the banner of Catholic. We believe in one Baptism for the forgiveness of our sins in our lives. We look forward to the resurrection of those who gone before us and the life of the world to come. 

       It is important for us to understand what and why we believe as Catholics. If we fail at this then we are not being examples to our faith. Our faith is one of life and for it to expand we need to expand our knowledge and share that with other. I hope to bring more knowledge to the blog and to incorporate more education of the faith. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may the Holy Spirit help us all to be speak up for and about our faith. 


  1. I was just thinking today if I wasn't moderating the Bible Study, I would like to teach the Catholic Catechism. There are so many Catholics who don't really know their faith.

    1. I agree 100% that has always been a passion of mine... that and finding a way to bring back people to the church..
