Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 2 of Advent

Week 2 of Advent

Welcome to the second week of Advent. This weeks message is that of Peace. Most of the time when we hear the word Peace we associate it with war. That there is now no more violence and things are calm. In the case of Advent we have to take it to another level, that inner peace as well. 

      Inner Peace is something that we all need in our lives but not as easy to get. We all have internal struggles. There are things that we hold inside ourselves that makes that full inner peace hard to achieve. It may be that we hold resentment, anger, frustration, or hate for the people that are in our lives or that were in our lives. To have that inner peace all those things need to decrease so that peace can increase. 

     It is hard to let go of those things that people have done or said to you and to forgive and let go. Those feelings hold us down and control us. That control keeps us from moving forward in all of the areas of our lives. The weight of those things drag us under and we can drown in our own anger and hate. This advent try and decrease those things so that Jesus can increase in your life. 

     As Jesus increases in your life those things will get easier and easier to decrease. Start that increase during Advent and welcome that peace for the New Year.

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and let the peace of Advent increase. 

We long for your peace, and trust in your promise; we hear your call to turn toward you, to change our lives and welcome you in. Meet us here and fill our minds with your wisdom and our hearts with your peace, that our worship together may open us to the challenge of your dream of wholeness for all. In the Name of the One who is coming, we pray. Amen

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