Wednesday, November 14, 2012



"Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another."  ~Proverbs 27:17

 When we speak of our faith or ask others about theirs we need to remember not everyone is open about their beliefs and how they practice those beliefs. This does not mean we just keep it to ourselves and not put ourselves out there. We are to be a community and to go out and share the Good News with the world. It is in these actions that we find others out there who will help us in our own walk of faith. We need to remember that Jesus did not come down to force the message but be the message and show the love and concern for each other. 

   It is in our sharing and spreading the news that we sharpen our tools of faith and use them to carve out Jesus in the world. We may be the only christian that person may come into contact with that day or even a reminder of what they already know. We are not called to battle or condemn those around us in this life.  There is a thin line between holding someone accountable and judging them. 

     We are all accountable to the messages of Jesus but remember not everyone has heard these messages. When we speak to others remember first to share the message and if need be hold them to that message in a loving way. Never preach damnation but that of forgiveness of sins. Preach the love of the Trinity and what the trinity offers us. We can still hold people accountable but do it in a loving and caring way. Also remember your relationship to that person. How you deliver that message can make that person turn further away or bring them closer. For me I know, two people can say the same thing to me and one will have  an impact because of who they are in my life vs the other who is not the same as the other in my life. 

     Religion / Faith is a touchy subject because it can be seen as you are judging them and are acting “holier then thou”. That will turn people off to the message you are giving.  For some the tuff love approach will work and others may be just a soft tone.  We gather as a community because we can express ourselves with fellow believers and honor our God.  It is not time to cast the stones and watch people fall from grace. 

      Here in the cartoon Linus was trying to start a conversation, open that door, about prayer and Lucy goes right into debate mode. On both ends we need to watch how we act. When a person approaches us, we should give the benefit of doubt that it is not coming from a bad place or to start something but to start a dialogue of faith. 

       As it says in Proverbs, we are to sharpen each other, not tear them down. We need to build up the Kingdom of God and not set others outside of the kingdom. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and be strength for others and build them up. 

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