Sunday, November 18, 2012



And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it” ~Matthew 16:18

One of the great things about the Catholic Church is that no matter where you are in the world, the same mass is unfolding before you. You will not feel left out or unsure about what is going on. Even in another language you can still be a part of the mass. It is a great feeling to know that we are that Universal Church. 

      We gather each sunday and even daily where the same reading are read, the same prayers are said, the same responses are said and the same miracle of the Eucharist happens in each church. We are connected to each other not only in mass but as fellow Christians. 

      When Jesus set Peter on the rock, He set the church here on earth. Jesus proclaimed that Peter would be head of the earthly church and from him, the church will survive the test of time. Part of that reason is that we are universal. It shows unity in thoughts and action through out the church and the people. When we are like minded, we are able to survive the world. It is easier to defeat one person verses two, let alone millions of catholics in the world. 

       I think it is amazing that this still goes on today. The church has stayed strong and continues to move forward in the world. It is not perfect and how can we expect it to be when we are not perfect. I have explored many different religions and it is the Catholic Faith that I keep coming back to. It is home for me and will always be, even with its imperfections. 

       It is time for Us as Catholics to stand strong for our faith, beliefs, and the Church. We are the face of the Church in the world as well as the religious. Learn about the faith and from those who came before us, the saints. The only way for the church to grow is if the faithful grow as well with it. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and become in the universal church. 

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