Saturday, January 12, 2013



"Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope" ~ 1Peter 3:15

    Apologetics is a part of Theology that every Catholic Christian should be a part of. Apologetics is the branch of Theology that is concerned with defending and providing the truth of Doctrine. Why should everyone be concerned with this, you may ask. The reason is simple. We live in a time where we need to bring people the truth. The truth is in why we believe what we believe. We are in an age of questioning and if we do not have answers to the questions then they will seek answers from others. If you truly believe in the faith then back it up before you get backed into a corner without an answer. 

     The old standard of I know because the Bible tells me so, is not exceptable. Where in the Bible does it say it? What parable shows it? Where can I find it in the Gospels? These are the questions that we should be ready to answer. I am not saying that you now need to become a biblical scholar but know the basics at least. When you are able to answer someone right back it gives you a standing with them. They see that there is an answer and you do not need to search for it. 

     As Catholics, when the Gospels are read during mass we stand and as the  Priest or Deacon say “ A Reading from the Holy Gospel of ______” We in response make the sign of the cross on our forehead, lips, and heart and say “ The Lord be on my Mind, my Lips, and in my Heart. It is not just over the heart alone but over two other parts of our bodies. This is significant because it shows we are to speak of the “Good News” and share it. Our mouths are blessed so that we can open it and express what we have in our mind and believe in our heart. It is not to just keep for ourselves. It is not just about the Gospel, but of our whole Faith. 

     I honestly believe that we are in a time where knowing and sharing the truth is critical. We need to be a knowledgable church body and a body that seeks to evangelize those around us. This is not just the mission of the clergy or the religious but all of the body of the church. We must be informed and ready to state our “Faith Case” for those around us.  

     Have you ever asked someone if they seen a movie or a tv show, for them to just say no and ask how it is back to you? I bet you were able to say why you liked that tv show,  movie or even a book and stated a case for why they need to check it out. We should be able to do the same for God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and our Faith. Say why you go to mass or pray or believe what you believe. Know your reasons, Know your “Faith Case”. A defense attorney does not wait till he/she hears the questions from the prosecutor to start his/her defense. The defense attorney gathers information first and tries to cover all the questions that may be asked of the case and their client. The client for us is our Faith. What we believe and why we believe is the defense. Come prepared to defend your faith. 

      It is not always going to be easy to express or explain why you believe it but when you stand there and not able to say why then it does not expose the faith to them. It is also important for yourself to know why as well. When times come that are ruff your faith will not falter because not only do you believe but you know why you do. 

       People want the truth and look for the truth. One of my favorite movies is “ A Few Good Men” and the court scene is one of the best examples of searching for truth.  I will set the scene with the quotes first. 

Jessup: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Kaffee: I think I'm entitled.
Jessup: You want answers?!
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessup: You can't handle the truth!”

Not only does Kaffee want answers, he wants the truth. Jessup could have just given a blanket answer but it was more that was needed for Kaffee and he demanded it. Granted the truth would get Jessup in trouble in this case but please expand this dialogue out of that context and put a religious spin to it. We all seek answers but how many times are we seeking the truth. Just because we find an answer does not mean that it is the truth. Sometimes as Jessup says “ You can’t handle the truth” and that is true. Truth is hard at times. I know when I left the church years ago that when I returned i searched out other forms of christianity because I did not want to go back to being catholic. I searched and yes i found answers in the protestant churches but I didn’t find the whole truth till I walked back into the Catholic Church. I do not mean any disrespect to those faith but for myself the Catholic Church is that Truth that I was asking for. It was a truth that I had to learn to handle. Some people find the truth of Jesus hard to believe and handle because it means change. A change of mind, heart and also how they lead their life. That is not a simple thing for them and sometimes any answer is better then the truth. Especially if that truth means change. 

    We are all entitled to the truth and something that we have to search for. For something to be true means that there is no doubt about it. When we learn why its true we can share or defend it. But first we must know WHY....

     You can not have apologetics in the faith if there is no knowledge. Knowledge comes first, then apologetics. We are all called to acquire that knowledge. This does not mean that only those who pick up books to learn can do this. If it doesn’t come from the heart, then the truth is just a lesson to be preached. To make it “true” the brain and heart must combine so that the truth is able to shine and clear away that darkness of untruth. When we speak with conviction with love and conviction of knowledge then true defending or sharing will occur. If we are defending the faith without love of it then it is just an argument or a disagreement. Nothing will be gained but a great loss of a soul may occur. 

      Sometimes as we search for the truth we end up falling more and more in love with our faith. It will start to run deeper within our hearts. Once that love starts to go deeper our hearts become purer and will flow to our soul. Also as our love deepens so can our desire in our minds for further truth and knowledge. They go together. When both start to run deep so will our ability and desire to defend and evangelize the faith. Apologetics is also a form of evangelization. They fit together like two puzzle pieces. Once they join the greater picture will start to form before us and we hope others around us. 

   I also feel that people in the church also need evangelization as well. Just because we sit in the pew on a Saturday night or a Sunday does not mean that we can not go deeper or that they are less in need as those out side of the church. You may have someone who does not go to mass, yet serves the homeless and a person who attends mass and does not carry out the mission of Jesus. Both people are in need. 

  This is not a new theory about Apologetics or Evangelization. Saint Paul says “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” ( 1 Peter 3:15). He did not say “ sometimes be ready, ask them to give you a week to answer, or ignore the question. “ Be ready” because you never know when the chance may come up.  Pope Benedict said “ "We cannot keep to ourselves the words of eternal life given to us in our encounter with Jesus Christ: they are meant for everyone, for every man and woman. ... It is our responsibility to pass on what, by God's grace, we ourselves have received."  If the Disciples did this then the Faith would have died as Jesus took His last breath on the cross.  We have just about 2000 years of evangelization and apologetics behind us and we must continue it. 

    For the church to gain strength both in followers and faith we all must do our part. This is not just for the religious but for all in the church to pick up their cross, stand tall and share and defend the faith. I hope, we as the church body realize this and start. I ask that we also pray for an increase in knowledge and faith and a willingness to step out from the pews and walk out into the world with this mission.

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and let the gift of Knowledge come to all those who seek it and be able to use it for the good of God.

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