Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work." ~2Timothy 3:16-17

      A few weeks ago I blogged about the examination of conscience based off of the Ten Commandments. We know that the Ten Commandments was given to Moses to help bring back and keep in line the people around Moses. It was to set their lives right with God. These were not the “ Ten Suggestions” but are the “Commands” from God. 

     The Ten Commandments are in place so that we can base our actions and reactions in our lives to those that would be pleasing to God. They are not meant to restrict us but to keep us free from sin. Those same Ten Commandments are the rules that we use in our world today. The Commandments are our laws for society and not just for our souls. As a society the Ten Commandments have guided those who created the laws as to what is right and just. 

    Unlike the Constitution of the United States, they have not been amended. We have found the need to amend the Constitution because there are circumstances that we have now that the founding fathers could not even imagine. With the Ten Commandments, we do not need to add to them because they are the basic core of human nature. Each one addresses issues where man/women have strayed from God and focus more on selves and the world. 

     We need to not just take the 10 Commandments at face value but apply them to our lives in the world today. They deal with our personal relationship with God and our moral side of life. The morals that we are asked to follow are still the same but the temptations  are on a grander scale then they were. It is more in our face today then even 100 years ago. That is why the Examination of Conscience that I posted before helps us see where things of today fall under the guide of the Ten Commandments. 

       Lent is a time where we should focus on the 10 Commandments and with that the Examination of Conscience so we can have our lives more in line with God. It is not to far off and we need to start now to lay the foundation of faith so we can have a soul changing Lent. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and take the time to check your life against the 10 Commandments. 


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