Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Greed vs Charity

Greed vs Charity

     The first of the Deadly Sins that I want to cover is Greed and with that the Heavenly Virtue of Charity. In todays society money seems to be what most people strive for  themselves. That act alone is not necessarily Greed. As well as someone who gives to charity does not make them charitable. 

     The definition of greed is “an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.” Of course it is more then just material wealth. If you feel that you deserve more of anything in life then someone else that is greed. You can want to be successful or have material things in your life and that does not mean you suffer with the sin of Greed. It is in the intent behind what you are seeking. If you will do anything to gain wealth, then greed is within that act. We also can not put the sin on those who we see as having wealth. We can not say they are greedy just because they have wealth. When people want more and more just because they want it and they want more then everyone else around them then the sin of greed is in their life. It is a fine line between greed and just normal desires. 

       The Virtue of Charity is something we are all called to do in our lives. When we give freely of ourselves and do not expect anything in return then we are acting with charity.  The key part of this is giving freely of and from ourselves. It is that unselfish act that brings the virtue of charity into our lives and those around us who we give to. Again this does not just mean giving of money but can also be of our time, talents and gifts. If we give and we are only doing it to show off or be in the spotlight then that virtue is out of our reach. The virtue of charity only comes into us when our act is pure in nature. 

       The line between Greed and Charity can be a very thin line. If we are giving only to gain more and more then Greed wins out in the end and what you feel was a good act has turned into a sin. The sin of greed can take over your life if you allow it. Do charitable acts to keep greed at bay in your life. The intent behind it must be pure. Let the spirit lead you in your actions of charity. You will find that the “wealth” of doing good acts is far more rewarding then the “wealth” of the world. We can not always know what is going on in someones else heart, just like in the picture I chose above because we can not tell if he is giving the money away or taking the money for himself.

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may you find the virtue of charity at your door. 

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