Friday, October 12, 2012

God's Love

God's Love

    God’s love should be a simple concept but for me for a long time it was not so easy. I bet for a lot of people it is not an easy and simple concept. The concept of love itself is not always simple to understand in the world we live in. Love has become a word that describes just about everything in the world.  We love our family, our friends and then we love chocolate and ice cream. Love is very different for each person and understanding love by itself can be complicated then add God into it and it becomes a different kind of love. 

     God’s love is on a different level. Unlike other relationships that love is involved in, God’s love is unconditional. Other relationships the person can stop loving and caring about us. With God there is not that fear of losing His love.  Well, I should say, we may have that fear of losing that love but He will not turn His love from us. It is that unconditional love that He pours out on us. This idea of unconditional love is hard to understand because we may not have seen that in our lives. The best way to understand God’s unconditional love is to look at the parent / child relationship. I was lucky to have that unconditional love from my mother.  We may also experience this kind of love from other family member or friends and if that is the case then it is a blessing in your life. 

      It is hard to see at times how can we sin, pull away, ignore, and disrespect God and He does not pull that love from us? We all know the bible passage that says

 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”  ~ John 3:16 

   It is in that ultimate sacrifice God shows us His unyielding love. Another act of His love before this was Him giving us “Free Will”. He did not and does not force us to love Him or to have Him in our lives. He leaves that up to us. That free will is the second biggest gift He gave us. Jesus was the ultimate gift of love but the option of what we do was His second. 

    God waits for us to choose Him and He waits with open arms each and every time for each of us. A problem I think is that when we are asking for something in prayer and we feel that He does not answer us means that He does not love or care for us. All prayers are answered. The  difference is that they may not be answered the way or in the time frame we want them to be. He is answering them in the best way for us and for whatever is in His will. We may not always understand that but it is what is to be. It is like that parent/child relationship. A good parent just does not give into every request of the child but does what is best for them. It is the same with God. There will be times where He could not give what we are asking and it is not because He does not love us. We are the ones that put that clause in. 

     The last part to understand God’s Love is to open your heart to it. Until your heart is ready you will not be able to take it all in. There may always be parts of His love that we do not understand but in time we will. It just may not be here on earth. As they say hindsight is 20/20. Look back and see where His love was pouring out to you. You may not have realized it at the time because of all that was going on. Sometimes we need to be removed from the situation to see the whole picture. God is always there in those times. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and remember God’s love is unconditional. 


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  1. Welcome to St. Blogs. I'd like to invite you to join Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of Catholic bloggers who gather weekly to share posts with each other. This week's host post is at
