Saturday, October 20, 2012



As face mirrors face in water, so the heart reflects the person ~Proverbs 27:19

 The reflection of who we truly  are can be found in our hearts. God knows what is in our hearts at all times. There is no fooling Him. We may be able to fool those around us and even ourselves at times but not God. With each beat of the heart we have the chance to make sure that what our actions and words say about us is a true reflection of what is in our heart.

      There are times where we will mask what is in our hearts. We do this because if we did we would not be charitable to our fellow brothers or sisters in Christ. We maybe upset, angry, judgmental, or in pain. We will need to ask God for help in taking these from our hearts and make them clean of ill will. This is hard, I will not lie. It is easier to hold onto them then letting them go sometimes. Our actions are a major part here. This is not a time when our actions need to reflect those earthly feelings  but it is the heavenly and spiritual side of Christ in us that needs to shine through. 

      When you see your reflection in the mirror each day who do you see? Do you just see a man or a women or do you see a son or daughter of God? Do you see just your relationships to those close to you or a relationship as a brother or sister in Christ? We are part of the greater good. There is a connection with the person you see in the mirror and your fellow brother and sisters in Christ. When we see this there is a action that needs to go along with it. Just as Christ came to serve we are to serve our brothers and sisters. You would do that for your own family and we are all part of the family of God.  

       There is another aspect to our reflection of who we think we are and Gods reflection on who we are. I know for me I am more critical on myself and I think God see’s a different part. He see’s someone who is trying and is working to do better (at least I hope that is what He see’s). He knows what our real feelings are and knows the intent behind our actions. He knows if we are doing good to just do good or because we want something for it. I think He cares more on the why you do things vs actions. If you are feeding the poor because you feel that is what we are all called to do vs feeding them to get our picture taken and be honored. The same action is being done but it is what in our hearts that are different. 

       We need to decide what kind of person we want to be. It is our choice to be whoever we want to be. I want to be that “good son to God”, “good brother to Christ”, “man of faith”, and  “man of action”. That is what I want my outward reflection to be because that is what I want my heart to be. It is a daily quest for all of us to be and reflect who we are in the eyes of God. Think and pray on what do you want to reflect into the world. Remember we can reflect the light of Christ here on earth to those who are in darkness, We are called to do this. It is part of being a child of God. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and reflect who you are and be that light of Christ. 

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