Tuesday, October 16, 2012



   What are those things that tempt you and have you pull away from the life you want to live? How does those temptations pull you away from God? Temptations can cause us to turn away from God and look to our own inner wants and desires. Temptation stops us in our tracks and has us question what is right for us. It starts to move us off the path we are on and takes us away.

    I think most of the times when we think of temptations, we think of these grand things that pull us away. Temptations are not always grand but can be small things that can build up before we know it. It comes in all forms including people. People can tempt us by reinforcing those desires in us like sex, pleasure, power, etc. Those are what we think as those major temptations. They are those things that can lead us astray. I have to also say that those are the temptations that we look for and can prepare ourselves to avoid. To me, it is those small temptations that lead us away, and we do not see it until we are much further away. 

      It is in the small temptations that lead us away without even realizing it at times. Hitting that snooze button instead of getting up early to say morning prayers. Getting home too late and miss mass the next day. Hearing gossip and sharing it instead of walking away. Not talking to God during the day and instead filling your down time with other activities. It is even saying “ let me get to the next level in this game and I will turn  in” and with that you do not do your prayers at night. I am not saying that we are to be in prayer 24/7 but when we allow things to come in between us and some God time, we need to examine what is more important. What ever that God time may be for us. If we allow all these other things to tempt us and we take a few minutes here and there we lessen our time with God. 

   It may not seem like the small temptations can lead us away, but it is the cumulative aspect that does. Each builds off of each other and the time will add up. It is easier to tempt in the small things then in the larger areas. The red flag goes up and we are able to avoid it or stop it before it pulls us away. If you catch yourself saying “ it will just be this once”, “it is only 5 more minutes”, “ I will go next week” etc.. then it is time to stop and examine what path you are on. Are you being tempted? 

    The good thing about temptation is that we do not have to follow it. It is our choice to reject it and remain on the path to salvation. We can stop and think if this is strengthening our relationship with God or are we turning away from Him till this temptation is completed. Once we start to follow those temptations it gets easier and easier to fall prey to them. Miss one week of mass and next week is easier to miss as well. Temptation is that “slippery slope” we walk each day. It is in our free will to pick what path we take. Do not allow temptation to lead you astray. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and when temptation is in front of you, pray and ask for strength to walk on past it. 

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