Monday, October 22, 2012



“and through him to reconcile all things for him,
making peace by the blood of his cross
[through him], whether those on earth or those in heaven.”
 ~ Colossians 1:20

It is amazing how two words that have the same action can have two very different images that comes to our minds when we hear those words. What I am referring to is Reconciliation and Confession. Maybe it is just me but those two words have different images but the action in both is the same. Confession seems to have a harsher image then that of reconciliation. I got that tonight when I went to Confession / Reconciliation. 

       When I always thought of confession I had that old image of me sitting in a chair with a bright light on me and someone drilling me on what I did. Even being on trial and waiting for you to confess everything you did so sentencing can be handed down on you. It really was not a pleasant image at all. It was more of the old school “ fire and brimstone” approach to keeping us in line. This idea carried into my adulthood and it caused more anxiety to go to “confession” then it really needed to be. I would go rarely and would be as quick as I could be. Make general statements and get out.  I was absolved but it just never felt right after. Not that I did not feel absolved but just the feeling of this is not what this is to be.  

       Then when I started to think of it as the Sacrament of Reconciliation that image of trial and bright light changed. It has become a way for me and all of us to turn  back to God and remove those things that block or hinder the path to Him.  Reconciliation has three parts to it. The first is conversion. Second is confession. Third is celebration.  The first part is the desire in us to turn from our sins and focus back onto God. We acknowledge the desire of our heart and soul to be back in focus with God. We then start that conversation of what caused us to stray and turn from God and the spiritual life to our own earthly desires. It is just a discussion with the priest who is standing in for Jesus. Then after is the celebration of a new slate. That we are a new creation because of the forgiveness of Jesus. It is a fresh start and a way to acknowledge we did turn our attention away from God and now here we are to acknowledge that in church along with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is an act of profession of what we believe. 

      I went tonight to the Sacrament of Reconciliation after about 7 years and as I stood on line the anxiety started to fade and a peace started to take over. I was ready to leave my sins behind so I can get fully back on the path to God. When the door opened I was ready and took my seat facing the priest. There is something easier when it is face to face for me.  It is just talking over what has gone wrong with a friend to me this way.  There is no pressure. Then the words come that takes my sins away and restores my soul to that new creation. I forgot how powerful that feels. 

       It is a blessing that I belong to a church that has this sacrament and that it is there for us to partake in. It feels like a huge stone has been lifted. For anyone who thinks that it is no big deal think of a time where you are holding something in or that you and someone you care about is at odds and you say sorry or speak about what has gone wrong. Then how did you feel after? Think of it as getting something off your chest and how much easier it is after. Sins weigh us down and when they have been released it makes the life we want easier to obtain. The grace of our God, Jesus and Holy Spirit resides in us and lifts us from despair of our sins so we may glorify Them.

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and may the graces of our forgiving God fall afresh on you. 

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