Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Seeing Jesus

Seeing Jesus

“And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight.” ~ Luke 24: 30-31

  In todays world we are always on the go and many times miss what is right in front of us. If we are lucky we see it before it disappears.  On the road to Emmaus the disciples walked with Jesus and did not know it was Him until He sat down with them and broke the bread and it is only then their eyes were open and they saw who He was. It was not because the disciples were to busy to see Him but it was that their eyes were spiritually closed to see who He was. 

      It is harder to see Jesus sometimes in the world today because not only are our spiritual eyes closed and our hearts are not open but it is because we do not take the time to really see what is before us. We are on the go from one place to another. We try and do multiple things at once and one or the other suffer because of it. As I write this I am seeing that I do need to not only pray in my car on my way to work but take that time before I leave to do this as well. It is something that calls for a better discipline. I should be more attentive in prayer then scattered because someone  just cut me off as I was in the middle of the Our Father. I am missing that 100% pay attention time because I am in a rush to start the day. 

      Have you ever been in a situation and you are all caught up in it and then after it is done you see how things fell into place, who was the biggest help, or how it all got done? We need to appreciate those things and people as it is all happening as well as after. You hear how people help during and accident and before you can thank them, they are gone. 

      There are times when we do not see Jesus in our suffering, in our pain, in our joys and in our success. It is not till after that we see Him and that He was there to help us during those situations. I know He was there when I was away from God. I didn’t see it then because my eyes and heart were shut to that spiritual side of my life. We need to be open to His word so we can see it play our before in this world today. Open to His power and presence here on Earth. In our daily lives and not just on Sundays at mass. 

        The disciples did not see Jesus because they thought He was gone and not to be seen again. It was not till He showed how He will be ever present that they saw Him. We have to start to take the time to see Jesus in the people around us. In their actions, their words and love we will see the face of Jesus. We are called to be His face to those  around us and to go out into the world and be His face. It is in the actions of service that people may see the face of Jesus in us. Some people may only get to experience Jesus  through us. Then maybe down the road they get that revelation of our Lord and they see that He was there acting through us that they may come to understand Jesus and His love and grace.  

           Jesus spoke to the disciples and they felt that fire in them but it was in His “actions” that they saw Jesus be revealed. We have to slow down and take the time to listen and see how Jesus is around us and also be the actions of Jesus here on earth. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and think how Jesus reveals Himself to you?


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