Friday, September 14, 2012


Blocked? Why?

    I got a text today from a friend asking me "why did I take my blog down?" I had no clue as to what she was talking about and so I did some quick checking to find out my blog was blocked and that it was because some spam finder found some issue with my blog. I went through and asked for them to recheck it and in the email it said it can take as long as two business days to be back up after they review. Me being Me starts right with well maybe this wasn't supposed to be. That yet again I was wrong in what I felt God was asking. It wouldn't have been the first time. As I later explained the situation to my friend she said " Since you can't post maybe till Monday then you should still write each night and save till you can because there is no reason for this". It was odd because I had a dream that my blog would be closed and had a feeling that something was going to go wrong with it. Again I figured it was just to be. 

    I started to think on how odd of all things that the blog is blocked from people. That has been what I was writing about. Things in life being blocked and needing a bypass to get by. Now this is happening.  I kind of had to laugh at it. When I submitted my request for review, it also then allowed people to see the blog but they had to now agree that they felt the blog was fine and had to press the proceed button to go to blog. I chuckled again at this because I thought again in a blog I said you have to agree for God to use you. 

       I have talked about things blocking me from getting to where I feel I need to be but there is also another kind of blocked in my life. God was blocked out of my life for so long. No matter way He was trying I was setting up road blocks for Him. I had all of the roads to my heart blocked from Him to getting through. I also had all the roads blocked to my brain as well. There was no way He was going to set my mind on Him or my Heart. 

      The thing is, He never stopped trying. He has never thrown in the towel or raised the white flag and surrendered. He just kept, well...... “recalculated” another way to get my attention. I can look back now and see those times very clearly and how I stood there with my arms folded saying “not happening”.  Once you start letting the blocked passages to your heart open He fills them up with His mercy and grace. That mercy and grace will act like a rush of water clearing and cleansing those blockages and washes them away. It is an overwhelming feeling and it knocks the breath out of you as it happens. The best way is to just relax and go with the flow.

    Yes, I said go with the flow and relax. I am learning to relax again with God and Jesus. They are no longer blocked from my life nor are they allowed in on certain aspects of my life. It is all open for them. I need this cleansing in my life, so I can again feel all that I need to feel. I have blocked so many emotions for so long and it is freeing when you realize that all those feelings that you have held in are just being taken in that great flood of grace and mercy. 

      It is only through the grace of Jesus that I am able to say with all my heart, mind and soul that I need Him in my life and without Him my life is a mess. I have been finding that as those blockages have been washed away that the anger and hurt is what held those blockages together. I am not as angry with God or Jesus. Yes, I am still a little bit but it is so far less then it was just months ago. There has been some progress and I can see it and feel it in me. It may not be seen that much by others but that is also a work in progress.

    If you are blocking God and Jesus, find out what is holding that blockage together. Is it Hurt? Anger? Fear? Selfishness? Then once you do, ask God to take it from you and work on it. Once it starts to give way, get ready for that flood of grace and mercy. It is very refreshing. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and if you are blocking God from areas in your life, invite Him in and He will bring His mercy and grace.

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