Sunday, September 9, 2012

Whats the hold up?

What's the hold up?

   Today I went to visit a good friends husband, who also is a good friend, in the hospital waiting to have coronary artery bypass surgery. After spending some time there and grabbing a quick bite to eat I was heading home thinking about the details of what the bypass surgery will entail. It sounds so simple yet it is very detailed and complicated. Just the over view seems simple, ok there is a blockage so we can just reroute the blood flow into another vein and bypass that blockage. Then somehow this turned into thoughts on how I need to do this bypass with areas of my life. 

      There are spots in my faith that are blocked by my own insecurities, my sins, my unwillingness to open myself up, my personal demons, my unworthiness, as well as other blockages. I am thinking that maybe it is not for me to unblock these areas but to bypass them. To find a route that goes around those areas and gets me further along so I can work on getting my heart stronger for Jesus and God. So that when I see what Jesus and God wants to see in my heart, that I am not missing out because I am still blocked by what I have put there. This is not saying that those blockages are ignored but they were not put there by Jesus but was put there by me. 

       Also by doing the bypass I am restoring that blood flow that restores my strength to my heart and soul. There is nothing blocking that strength that I can get from Jesus and God when that bypass is in place. . It is free flowing. I see this with my friend. She has that free flowing strength from God and Jesus that strengthens her during hard times. Believe me she isn’t someone that has led a charmed easy life so there wouldn’t be any reason not to have some blockages and in need of a bypass but she has never let those things block her from that constant flow. She has constantly worked on keeping those paths clear to Him. 

         Also I think that bypass for me will also need to involve bypassing those things that pull me away from the life I want. To bypass those areas, places and maybe people  that tempt me to sin. If I am bypassing that temptation that draws me into those sins that pushes me further away and off my path then I need to avoid those areas. If it causes sin, bypass it and move on. 

         Something that I know I need to be clear on is that bypasses can also add some travel time. So, if I am not where I wanted to be at the time I wanted to be at by, then I need to learn to accept it. After all as the saying goes “ It’s not in my time but in God’s time”. Now, that will be a challenge for me. I do like things done in my time but I will have to learn to be patient. That is not a virtue I posses at all. 

          I feel that starting those bypasses I have to change my normal routines. For years God and Jesus wasn’t part of that daily routine. They need to be. Once the bypass is in place and ready to be used then it will come easier but until then I am under construction. 

        This is a new thought for me, this bypass road theory and I am still wrapping my head and heart around it. Forgive me if this wasn’t a clear cut blog and also this theory may be revisited when it is clearer to me. A bible quote came to me as I was writing this about “ all things new” and I found it in the bible. 

“The one who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then he said, “Write these words down, for they are trustworthy and true.” “~ Revelation 2:5

       Jesus makes all things new. Find a way to ask Jesus to help renew yourself. I am sure going to need Jesus to help build this bypass with me to get to my heart. I need His strength and love to see it through. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless and if you feel you are blocked find a bypass and take it. 

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