Monday, September 17, 2012

End of My Rope

End of my Rope

How many times have you felt that you were “at the end of your rope”? That you just could not handle one more thing. That you start to question how much more you have to take before this rope snaps and you come crashing down? I can bet that you can’t even remember how many times that you felt that, but just have the feeling it is more then once in your life. Here is the amazing thing about that, you made it through before and you will do it again. 

  God is there for us when we feel that we just can’t take it anymore. You know that saying where “ God only gives us what we can handle”. Now granted I normally follow that with I just wish He didn’t trust me enough to handle this much. It is hard when you are going through things to see past it and what you are going to get from it.  God’s grace gets us through those tuff times. He gives us the strength to get up and carry on. For my own example, the day after my mother died was the prayer group I was a leader at. There was no where else I wanted to be that night. I knew I needed God to get me through those next few days. I couldn’t think of any other way but that. 

   I think back to areas in my life that I never thought I would get past and be moving forward and I see that there was something, someone greater then me guiding my way. He lays out so many options for us and we decide what way we will go with it. God will not force us one way or another but I personally feel that when you are going through things God will give you signs. People may cross your path and be able to help you hold on to “the rope” or even offer you a “new rope” to hold onto. 

    When we are at the “end of our rope” we tend to start asking “why” before we ask for help. Why is this happening? Why is it this way” Why me? I know I tend to do that... Why? Why? Why? I am now thinking I need to change those “Why’s” to “What’s”. What am I to learn here? What prayers can I offer? What is Your will, God? It isn’t easy to change that mindset when things are going on. Why, is much easier because we are taking the pressure off of ourselves and putting that on God. The “what” questions we put onto ourselves. It is what do I need to do, what I need to learn, what is Your Will. You may wonder how is that “ What is Your will” on us. We are asking God what His will is but His will may not be ours. We are asking Him to let us know what His will is and we then are to do His will. 

     When we ask “ What is Your Will”, God may say that we are to let go of the rope and trust in Him. That we are just hanging onto something that isn’t meant to be.  I am not going to say this is easy because it is not. We never know what will happen when we let go and trust in God. We may even not like what we fall into when we do let go, but there is a reason for it. We may not know the reasons for it here in this life but I do think it will all become clear. 

     I always questioned if I have more or less faith at the beginning of my rope or at the end. In the beginning it can be all “Yay” God faith. The He is good and things are great faith. Then at the end I have the faith in a God that will get me past this and give me the strength to overcome whatever it is. It is the same God I am having faith in but it changes somewhat. I think that I put more faith in God at the end of my rope then the beginning, or really not more faith but I become more aware of that faith. It is like if your shoelace is untied but you don’t realize it because you are just walking away with no problems, until that one step where you trip and realize what happened. Then you are focused on tying that shoe before you continue on and trip or fall. 

    When we are at the “end of our rope” we should be praying and asking What is to be done, then Why me. I have come to realize that the why me questions doesn’t help me but the what questions help me move on and do what needs to be done. This isn’t easy I know but if you are at the end of your rope then what else can you do but try it. It just may help strengthen that rope and yourself.

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and remember God is never at the end of His rope with us. 


  1. This Blog was very over whelming cause this is how I have felt for the past few months....

    1. it isn't easy when we are going through thing and i know people will be there for you. I may be 6 hours away but i for sure am there.
