Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hit Hard, Hit Fast or slow and Steady

Hit Hard, Hit Fast or Slow and Steady?

When I finally gave into open the door again with God I had to decide how was I going to approach it. Was I going to just take a slow and steady pace or was the hit him hard and fast the best way. It didn’t take me long to decide. Slow and Steady was never my way nor was I going to start now either. Hitting Hard and Fast was what was going to work for me. I guess I should state the differences for me. 

   Slow & Steady would be taking it day by day. See how each day is and take it from there. Don’t put any pressure on it and just go where I think its best. Maybe just start with mass but don’t force it. Just wait and see how the “Spirit” moves me today. For some people that is what they have to do. Maybe for you, that is how it works and thats great but, for me it’s not my path. 

    Hit Hard & Hit Fast is grabbing the cross, bible, church and running with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For me it is also making those changes in my life that no matter what direction I am facing there is some element of God there for me to see. To keep Him in the forefront of my vision. To some people that maybe just the outward signs around of God but what matters is what is inside. For me, those outward signs helps me with whats going on inside. Some of those outward signs for me is the cross on my visor , the christian music playing on my radio and iPod, going to christian concerts, changing the pictures on my computer desk top to a cross, etc... Another thing for me is doing this blog. That no matter how crazy my day can be or get I will still stop and sit down and take the time to think about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Church, Prayer, etc. 

    Find what makes you happy and bring God into that. This way it will be easier for you to do everyday. You like music - check out some christian music. You like to read - read the bible or pick up some religious fiction or books on religion. You like to meditate - use some bible passages to help center you. Remember this is your personal relationship with God, don’t let others tell you how to communicate with Him. That includes me also. What works for me, may not work for you and same with what others do will not work for me. 

      For a long time I tried to fit into the cookie cutter idea of what a Catholic Christian was and is to be. It didn’t work at all for me before and I will not waste my time trying again. God doesn’t want copies of other, He wants us for us. For us to speak to Him, worship Him and honor Him. Now, I don’t mean that we can just do as we please. I even have to remind myself of that at times, but in that one on one time, do it the way that feels right and comfortable to you. God just wants us to enjoy our time with Him, so He can help us in our daily lives. 

      Try and find your way to have Him in your daily life. It will make it easier to go to Him and listen to Him when it is in a way that you are already used to. I would even say try new ways when your ready. I know I am now. Doing a blog about this is a new way for me to keep Him in my daily life and in sight everyday. Till tomorrow, God Bless and find that joy.

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