Tuesday, September 11, 2012



A few days ago I said to a friend that I am at that stage where If I was a GPS I would be recalculating. That really is the best way that I can explain what I am feeling. Some where along the way I missed my turn off and got lost. Now I am waiting to finish recalculating and get back on track. 

    I know when I am driving and somehow I miss the turn off and I hear that voice say “ Recalculating” I get so annoyed because I know if it doesn’t recalculate fast enough  can be missing the next turn because it finished just as I was passing it and now we are back to “Recalculating”. Maybe what we have to do is to stop and wait till it is done before we just continue on. This could save some aggravation, well for me for sure. 

    For once I am not just going my own way and figuring out what I think the GPS “aka” God wants me to do. I am waiting to hear and see what the route is that He wants  me to take. The best way for me to take that will get me back on the road to Him. The great thing about going back to God is that He is not asking you to come back to Him in only one way. We have options. Just like on a GPS we can ask for the route that avoids toll roads, that are the shorter distance or the quickest route. God does the same. He starts us off on the route that He knows we can follow. He starts the journey where we are, and not where we should have been. 

      It is comforting that He knows just where we are and always knows where we are at every moment. God will meet us right where we are and doesn’t push us to go faster or slows us down. We are able to go the speed we need to go. 

      This idea of recalculating also goes along with the idea of the “Bypass” that I talked about a few days ago. When their is traffic or an accident we are rerouted by the GPS and God will do the same. He will help us get around those blockages and obstacles along the way so we are still moving to our destination. That we don’t just have to wait and stare out the window waiting for our chance to move on. 

       The key to this “Recalculating” is that we are ready and willing to listen. You may not feel that you are ready or that this isn’t your time but if the thought is there so is God. There is a reason why you are thinking of it. Thinking of trying again or maybe for the first time to head out on this journey.  

        Over a month ago I was visiting family in up state NY and I was using my GPS and I was trying to get to where I was staying and it had me turn down a dirt road and I couldn’t believe it knew of this road let a lone the name of the road. I would have never turned down this road because it was all dirt and taking me off this nice paved road. I was glad it did. I saw some amazing scenery and got some great photographs from this turn. If it was up to me I would have continued on the paved road and missed out. God will do the same for us. We may be asked to do something that we are not sure on but you never know what you can get out of it. If we continue on those safe and easy roads we can miss out on some great opportunities in our lives. 

        I am also trying to just let the next part of my journey be a mystery. I am not trying to look at the list of directions and figuring out what is coming next. I am just taking it one turn at a time and enjoying it as I am going. This is not something I normally do. I have to know every part and then question “ Why is the GPS taking me that way”, “ This doesn’t make sense”. I am just going to say ok and go with it. I know I will not be looking at my GPS the same now. 

   Until tomorrow God Bless, and turn on your GPS and see where He takes you. 

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