Tuesday, September 25, 2012



The word truth kept coming up today with me. It got me thinking what “Truth” really is and why is it that sometimes my truth is not someone else's. Then I thought that there are many levels of truth. The are some truths that are universal like the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth. That is an absolute truth but yet there are things I would consider an absolute truth that someone would see as a falsehood.  To me the idea of God is an absolute truth but to another their absolute truth is that He does not exist. Even when I was away I still knew there was a God. That absolute never changed for me. What changed was just how I dealt with that absolute truth. 

    Jesus said when asked where He was going“ Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 . This is an absolute truth as well. Following Jesus will get you to the Father, God. I do not see any other way but this. When Joseph stayed with Mary when she was pregnant was because he knew the truth. As so did Elizabeth when Mary came to her and she was with child. Elizabeth knew the truth that Mary was carrying her Lord. I see that their faith and the truth were so closely woven together in both Joseph and Elizabeth.  It was as if Faith and Truth are one at times. 

    One of my favorite exchanges about truth is when Jack Nicholson says to Tom Cruise in “ A Few Good Men”, You want answers? (JN) “ I want the truth” (TC) “You can’t handle the truth”(JN). T    ruth is not always easy to deal with. Truth can hurt you at times or even make things uneasy as well. Sometimes I wonder if I really want to know what the truth is behind some thing or people in my life. It can change your reality in a second. That is how powerful truth can be. Your life or the way you view the life around you can flip when hearing a truth. How you see people around you can change just as fast when you hear the truth. Think of a time when you were betrayed and you found out about it? How did you see that person after that? Knowing the truth about the betrayal impacted how you now saw that person. Truth can also have a domino effect. Once you find out that one true thing, it can set  things in a new light and you see things differently and maybe a bit clearer now as well. 

      As I said there are levels of truth. There is personal truths like how you feel about God, Religion, Jesus, etc... that may also be shared by others. These truths can be absolute truth for you as well. Then there are those absolute truths that can be explained by science like earth revolves around the sun. As I write this I am think that all absolute universal truths can be explained by science but absolute or personal truths are not always based on anything but Faith. 

   My Faith is an absolute truth in my life. It is personal and someone can’t just take that away from me. It is something that I did let happen. The truth about some people caused me to question my own personal truths because they were, or as I thought they were, shared as well.

    Truth can either build or bring down things around you. It is a very powerful force in the world. We all need to watch and learn from the truth in our live and be able to discern what the truth really is. This is something I pray for all the time, to know the truth. 

   As the saying goes “ The truth will set you free” and as we know Jesus is the truth and He has set us free from the chains of sin and death. 

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and always seek the truth in all things. 

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