Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jump Start

Jump Start

    The other day I ended up staying in and not leaving the house and I realized there was something different. I realized that I really didn’t talk or think about God until I sat down and started the blog.  Why did this happen? I then figured it out. The way I “ jump start” my spiritual side has been getting in the car and listening to christian music. Since I never left I never turned on the radio or listened to music. It is rare that I don’t leave the house so i never even thought about it. 

      Now that I know this I need to make sure that I start my days when I am not going out early in a different way. How do you “jump start” God in your day? Is it started by reading the bible over coffee in the morning? Do you pray the rosary? Sit on the deck sipping coffee and finding God in nature? There are so many different ways we can start the day with God. 

     Since I am far from a morning person and when I am working or going out I get up with just enough time to shower, dress and head out the door. So that is why listening to Christian Music in the car works great for me. It gives me that up beat start and prayer on the way to work. This starts and sets my day in the right direction. I have to say it does help with keeping my focus during the day because whatever songs I hear will be stuck in my head and will just randomly be in my head. That reminder is there. 

    You know with all this technology there should be a God reminder app. Maybe there is one, I wouldn’t be shocked. I am attached to my iPhone and it would be great to have that reminder. Have you talked to God today? Did you say your prayers? Have you connected to your faith today? I am not trivializing this at all but with how crazy life can be maybe this may help someone. This could be a way to “jump start” that God connection in the morning. 

     Maybe after 15 min after your alarm goes off, another alarm sounds and reminds you to say a prayer. Have your calendar app go off around noon and see that God appointment that you want to keep. I am not saying just set reminders and just rely on that to keep you going on the right path but I am saying use this as a helper. This could be both a “jump start” in the morning and also something to use during the day. I feel that anyway you find to help you keep God with you is worth a shot. 

     Some people maybe really good with setting up a routine and keeping it and others not so much. I am in between them both. There are times I am great at it and others I am lucky if I do it 3 days in a row. I have tried to do the purpose driven life and I don’t think I have kept that past day 4 to read everyday. Maybe it is reminder time for that for me. There are people that will wake everyday read the bible say the rosary and it never fails. It is ingrained in them. The snooze button is what is ingrained in me every morning. Yet, get me to my car and I can rock it with Jesus right till I get to work. 

     This blog is two fold. It is about “jump starting” your God moment and then keeping it during the day. Those moments where we keep God on our mind and in out heart through out the day. Not just in the morning or late at night.  I am definitely going to look into this God app idea and see what reminders I can set on my phone.

Until tomorrow, God Bless, and jump start your day with God words.

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